Mike Shea Photography 352-317-4484. 1413 NW 36th Place Gainesville Fl 32605 By Appointment Only.
Family Portraits
Mike Shea Family Portrait Photographer Family Portrait Studio
How will I be remembered in a portrait or a picture?
If I had it to do again would I be remembered the same or much better?
Would that have been the only opportunity?
I might only have been in candid pictures at a family gathering and never in a group with the family that were closest to me.
The really good picture were taken on a phone but it died ):
You have probably seen a picture or a portrait that even though you couldn't put your finger on why it had that something extra. Something that just captured your attention, and maybe evoked a special feeling.
Let me clarify that question. Was it a planned portrait, not something that was a lucky picture. Was it in print form, maybe on the wall of someone's home. If so it was probably taken by an experienced professional photographer. Some one who has studied the art helping people arrange in a pleasing manner (we call that composition) and the lighting was just so that you could almost feel what the people in the portrait were thinking. Professional photographers have always had post production that separated them from amateurs, and even their peers. In the film days the custom labs knew what the photographer needed done to achieve their special look. Today we as professionals generally do our own post production work and it is in many ways a separate job. One that in times past would have been done by the lab leaving us to take more portraits. Don't even get me started on the hours spent every week keeping up with the software. So hopefully you have taken a couple of things away from this page, one is when someone ask you why would you go to a professional photographer you will know that answer. Second you will have had the time to think about the answer to the question "How will i be remembered"
I would love to be the person you reach out to. Call me at 352 317-4484 or hit the contact us now button.